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Wild Pollinator Count

By 14:03:00 , , , ,

Starting today on the 15th of November and until the 22nd a Wild Pollinator Count is happening, Australia Wide. This is the official site, visit it for more details. The idea is that everyone can help collect data so we can learn more about our pollinators and not just the bees, but any bug that crawls on flowers. Although bees are my favourite..... butterflies are pretty, but then they are not such a challenge to photograph! And they don't make honey.

You can print off tally sheets to take outside with you, while you sit for a few minuets and watch the flowers. This would be a great thing to do with little kids, as well as being fun, you could learn a lot about the insects by watching them, and since it is preferable if you can identify the flowers you are watching, you will have to learn their names too.

Then you can submit your observations here. You can easily find that page from other places on their website too. You can submit as many checklists as you want, no matter if you see heaps or hardly anything.

I enjoy watching bees and such so I am joining in and thought I would share it because some of you may want to do it too, one list or many. Check it out anyway. Oh and Blue Banded bees are seriously cool, that is what the bees in the photos below are. The bee above is a Neon Cuckoo Bee if I remember rightly. And the others are just your everyday European honey bee.

Are you going to join in?
What kind of bees or pollinators do you like?

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